Im back with a few updates that I promised ya'll!
Second batch of hoodies have almost sold out with only a few sizes left. I love seeing my design being worn with so much pride from mob as well as our Non Indigenous Allies.
NSW Police Force NAIDOC
I can't believe how quick this year has gone with us already in October. Last month I was privileged enough to be apart of the NSW Police Force NAIDOC celebrations. Unfortunately due to the severe weather that happened during the first week of July (NAIDOC week) the police had to post pone their NAIDOC week celebrations. But thankfully the show must go on and we were lucky the weather was beautiful this time around. It was such an amazing day filled with respect, curiosity and strength. I was lucky enough to be included in the wonderful event, I even had the opportunity to say a quick speech (which I prepared 10 mins before presenting).
My speech
"When I started this piece I had to reflect on several things. The theme of NAIDOC, get up, stand up, show up and what that meant to me. I also had to reflect on my own connection to the police force and how to represent that connection within my art.
My great great great grandfather Alec tracker Riley was a black tracker for the Nsw police. He solved many crimes using his knowledge and connection to the land. Pop Alec was the first Aboriginal person to gain the rank of sergeant in the New South Wales Police Force.
Within the artwork there are 6 circles each representing a different mob/area for example red dirt mobs, costal as well as the different sectors within the police. The circles are all connected. This connection represents the paths, that our ancestors paved for us. Through protest, through persistence and through sacrifice are we here today.
The u shapes around the circles represent the community. The eagle also had a personal meaning for me, being a totem of healing and strength. Symbolising that we are stronger together. The u shapes surrounding the circles represent the community coming together to make change for our community and begin to change the status quo.
I invite community members to add to the artwork by painting dots to represent their community. Each clump of dots represent a different community. Further embracing our fellow allies to get up, stand up and show up with us mob.
Thank you to the NSW police force for allowing me to be apart of their NAIDOC celebrations. The initial NAIDOC celebrations were organised for NAIDOC week however weather interfered with the initial plans.
As the day progresses I invite you all to come over and get involved and be apart of my artwork.
To the First Nations people present today, we are our ancestors wildest dreams, their sacrifice is our war cry, be loud be proud and be everything."
I was shaking in my boots delivering this speech but like I always tell my kids at school, "you got this, be confident and persevere". I was so happy with the end result that I was sad to see it go. But happy its in its new home at the NSW Police Force headquarters in Parramatta.
Childhood Education Conference
Between working full time, balancing my full time foster mum role to 3 beautiful boys and managing my small business I still managed to find time to secure another gig. This time I found myself travelling down to Dharawal country in Shellharbour to create a painting whilst the conference was in full swing.
The Childhood Education Conference was amazing to say the least, not only did I connect with like minded educators but I also had the opportunity to listen to some stories of others who were able to connect with my artworks.
This was my second time doing a live painting at a conference however it was my first time being involved in a live auction. After completing my painting it was then being put up for auction with all proceeds of the original painting going straight to Saving Chloe Saxby Charity.
Chloe was a gorgeous 7 year old girl, who suffered with Vanishing White Matter Disease. Without a cure, Chloe experienced a lot of pain and suffering, lost her ability to see, hear, eat and experiences an intellectual disability. She unfortunately loss her battle in 2020 however the fight isn’t over with all donations continuing the fight to find a cure.
The original painting sold for $1250. I was flabbergasted with the generosity of people and am so happy I could be apart of such an amazing cause. However to my surprise the auctioneers wanted to keep the ball rolling and asked to auction another one of my paintings which I agreed. The second painting sold for $1000. A portion of the sale would also go to the same charity.
Shoutout to my mum who embraced her inner Kris Jenner and supported me as my official "momager" answering questions people had as well as selling some of my merch whilst I was busy in conversation. You are the real MVP.
First Market Day
Today I completed my first market day, I went through a wave of emotions leading up to this day, stress and anxiety being the main ones but It was all worth it. It was a bit touch and go weather wise but overall the weather held it's shit together long enough for us to enjoy our day.
My first market appearance was located on Bediagal land at Laperouse Public School. Since it was my first markets I was lacking experience and didn't know what to expect or what to pack. But I did my best to prepare, I packed everything I thought I needed but as I began to set up and I looked around to the other stalls I felt out of my depth.
I felt very out of place as all these other deadly stalls had snazzy set ups with professional decor while I was chilling on the corner with my 3 tables with no gazebo. Thank goodness I was able to borrow an organisers gazebo otherwise I think the day could've turned for the worst as at about noon it started pissing down raining. The gazebo kept us almost dry however there were a few leaks, I decided at that point to move all my artworks and products to a secure under shelter area but this didn't work so had to move it all back to the original area. This time I moved back with only half my products just case the rain started again. Thankfully my rain dance prevailed and it held off the rain for the rest of the afternoon with none of my products having significant water damage. I was up on my feet majority of the day talking to different customers about my journey and my connection with my art.
Like always, I would like to acknowledge the people who are always standing right behind me and supporting me with my art journey. So shout out to my bestfriend Brooke for being my designated driver, decor specialist and overall biggest supporter. Another shoutout to my "momager" mum for showing up and helping me setting up and selling my products. Special thanks to Corey for always showing up for me and supporting me throughout the day. Last but not least thank you to Diana for coming on through and helping me manage the chaos with the rain. Ya'll are loved and appreciated.
2022 Commissions
With 2022 almost coming to a close I think it's important to reflect. Reflect on where I started and to look back on how far i've come. Here are a few of the commissions I completed this year.
But wait.. the best is yet to come.
My next market will be on 17th of December at Kirribilli Markets. Stay up to date with my movements by following me on instagram @tarnijanedesigns.